Monday, July 17, 2006

The weekend

So I went to Mobile, AL on Friday and came home on Sunday.  Thankfully I had the IPOD going the whole time with podiobooks and podcast.  Music has a tendency to get old after several hours.  The trip was made easier with the lack of family.  I only had to stop for gas.  I used the restroom and refueled myself at those times. 

My brother was there and I was able to visit with my Grandpa.  I saw my mom after her self imposed 10 year exile.  That was nice.  My brother and I surprised her on Saturday afternoon.  My visit with her went better than I expected it to.  Then on Sunday morning, bright and early, headed home.  My brother was going home at noon. 

It was nice visiting with everyone, but I was ready to come home.  This was the first time I had been away from my wife and children for more than a night. 

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