So, the wife was making bologna sandwiches for lunch today (German Bologna was on sale for $3.45 per pound). I walk into the kitchen and notice that she has placed swiss cheese on the sandwiches. *Alert, Alert, Danger, Will Robinson!* You don't put swiss cheese on a bologna sandwich. Infact, you don't put any cheese on bologna. A bologna sandwich consists of three ingredients. Bologna, White Bread, and Mayo. It is single handedly the least healthy sandwich in the history of the world but it sure tastes good.
I would be willing to hear your interesting bologna sandwich recipes. Interesting and Wrong!
*note: I have not tried bacon on a bologna sandwich, but I am sure it would be good.
Related Posts : bologna,
Bacon would make it better.
...with crisps!
I am a cheese+bologna person. Mustard with german bologna, but mayo with "american" style. Never lettuce.
bologna, Kraft cheese single, lettuce, SWEET pickles and potato chips. It's what I ate as a kid and at 42 every now and then I get the hnakering for one. After a few bites my nostalgia is cured and I find I can't finish it.
Alex: yes it would!
Lurker: I eat my ham sammiches that way.
Steve: what kind of cheese do you use?
Tracie: If you used my recipe you would finish the whole thing :)
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