Monday, October 08, 2007

Breast Feeding-Why It Must Be Defended


    Almost nothing is more sacred than the bond between a mother and her infant child.  This bond is something that society has tried to protect for thousands of years.  Breast feeding is a physical representation of this bond and it is important that society protects the mother and child that are forming this bond. 

            Breast milk is the most nutritious form of feeding for an infant child.  Not only is it good for the child’s physical health but for the child’s mental well being too.  A mother breastfeeding a child is holding the child to herself.  That child is feeling its mothers heat and listening to her heartbeat.  This is the closest that a child will come to feeling like they are back in the womb.

            Why would anyone stand in the way of this beautiful moment?  Some say that seeing it is disgusting and repulsive.  Others state that it is inappropriate to “whip it out” in public.  Some people even think it unsanitary.  All of these are, of course, ridiculous. 

Breast feeding is the most natural way.  It is the way that human beings have done it for thousands of years.  Women are very modest and discreet about the act.  You will never see a woman “whip it out.”  Most will find a corner or isolated place to sit and will use a blanket to cover themselves.  Breast feeding detractors likely walk right by breast feeding mothers without even knowing that it is going on.  It is no more or less sanitary than using a bottle as the same basic mechanics are involved. 

Children deserve the very best that can be given to them.  If this means that someone has to look the other way because a woman is trying to feed her child, then it is a small sacrifice to pay.  Society should be raising these women up as loving parents instead of ripping them down. 


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grrrace said...

i breastfed mia until she weaned herself. and i have to be honest with you, if i had another child, i'd bottlefeed. in the beginning i could pump and then she would take the bottle, but then she started refusing the bottle at about 4 months. there was no break for me. at all.i might sound selfish, but you know, sometimes moms need a break, too. even stay at home moms. i mean, yes, the men might go out and work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. sometimes more. but you know, the SAHMs are ALWAYS working. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. and even when someone's babysitting for her, she's STILL on call. at least if a man goes to work, he gets to leave work there. breastfeeding advocates like to say that breastfeeding is so much easier because it's right there and never needs to be warmed up, etc. but because of all the negativity people have towards breastfeeding, i think bottle feeding would've been easier. instead of worrying about if i'm all covered up and all, i could've just had a bottle with the formula already in there and a bottle of water. then when she got hungry, i could've just shook it up together and voila! all done!i wouldn't have had to suffer in a hot car. or covered up. or just NOT gone anywhere because of feeding time. anyway, i realize that you're defending breastfeeding. and i appreciate that. i'm just going off on a rant. i don't even know why. hehe.

Ender said...

Here here. Mom's should be able to bring up their kids as they see fit, without interference.

Princesskasren said...

As long as women who don't breastfeed don't get abused as well. Some women cannot physically do it.

Ross said...

I started thinking this same thing, then I realized Budd's post was about defending the right to breastfeed, rather than imposing the burden of breastfeeding on those who don't choose to do so.Good post, Budd. I totally agree with you on this "right" for women.

Ross said...

Er...not sure why I put "right" in quotes - probably because I thought this shouldn't have to be declared a should be a natural right like the "right" to eat or sleep or think....see, they don't sound correct labeling with the word right, either, so that's why I put it in quotes.

Phil Davis said...

Just for the record... I am pro public breast feeding.

Potty Mouth said...

I am sorta with you. Some women take it too far. I once saw a woman at Opry Mills whip both of them out while sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall. I am assuming that the baby needed a choice but she could have tucked the other one back in after the baby had latched on.

Budd said...

Depending on the woman I don't know if that is a valid complaint or not, but I can see how it could be.

3devious said...

To me it is just another bodily function...
I don't do those in front of other people, I would just like to be afforded the same kind of respect, that's all. I am sick of people who practically worship anything that has to do with babies. Breast feeding is about as beautiful as taking a crap. (Sadly, I am not being insulting, I appreciate my time in the bathroom, but it is still my time.) I recognize that there's a lot of effort required by parenthood, but it really shouldn't be my issue. (I'm thinking of the inconsiderate git who chooses to do it on a plane next to strangers.)