Monday, August 27, 2007

QotD: If I Had Guaranteed Success...

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could never fail? 
Submitted by BeckyPink

Natalie Portman. . . Oh wait, it says What and not who.  Score with Natalie Portman. 

Maybe that is too limiting.  I know.  Be the male Heidi Fleis.  The Hollywood Monsieur.  I would have the most famous female clients.  I would have standards though.  Lindsay, Paris, and Brittany would not be allowed.  Angelina, I would have to think about.  I don't want her giving birth to some foreign kid and saying that it is mine, but at the same time she was really hot in Hackers. 

Oh.  I would also invent a perpetual motion machine and perfect nuclear fusion. 

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Jen said...

Angelina was really hot in hackers...

Pondy pond pond said...

LOL... this is the funniest answer to the QotD that I've ready in a long time...

grrrace said...

she WAS hot in hackers, wasn't she?! man.

Budd said...

Glad you enjoy the humor.
Grace and Jenessa- She has never looked better than she did in that movie.