Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

This was a wonderful book that I would encourage anyone to pick up.  It is very sad as it follows the life of a Chinese girl from her milk years all the way to her years of rice and salt.  The author describes the process of footbinding in depth, but the pain of footbinding seems to be just a precursor to the pain and loss that are to come in her life.  This book is recommended to anyon who loves a good read as well as those that are curious of 19th century China and Chinese traditions.  Some of the subject matter in the book might not be appropriate for those week of heart or young in years.  I think I need to pick up some of See's other works.

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1 comment:

Steve Betz said...

I've picked that book up a few times when browsing, and its never quite made it into the "to-buy" pile. Maybe I need to give it a second look.