Saturday, December 06, 2008

I Made a Shirt

Budd's zombie shirt
slightly different wording

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Street Vein said...

Next, I'd like to see a T-shirt speaking to the problem of oral sex with zombie chicks.

Potty Mouth said...


Phil Davis said...

Very nice!

Ginger_sister said...

I would totally buy the opposite sex version of this shirt. It's very fun!

Kirk said...

I love it. Sold any yet?

Budd said...

I have sold a Buffy>Edward t-shirt but no zombie ones yet. I think my "one day I will be soylent green" shirt might get some sells too.

Kirk said...

I once had the idea "It's not easy being Soylent Green," but I couldn't figure out how to effectively imply there were Kermit parts in the tiny wafers...

Budd said...

Soylent green is Muppets!

Potty Mouth said...

Soylent green is Kermit!