Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Dr. President Bush,
  I have been speeding on the local interstate for several years now.  I have a family and pay taxes.  I have learned English.  The problem is that officers of the law want to ticket me for this action.  Not only me, but millions of other speeders, or unrestrained drivers as we like to be called.  I think that those of us driving at advanced speeds for several years, that also contribute to the economy should receive some sort of amnesty for this.  Most of us are not bad people and do not cause accidents or kill people.  I am not asking for money back on past tickets, but I think I should get some sort of biometric card that allows me and others like me to speed.  Most of us are not bad people and do not cause accidents or kill people.  Additionally, I think that several thousand more licenses to speed should be issued every year.  Speeding will continue as long as there are speed limits, you may want to think about raising those, after all if there is no speed limit there is no speeding.  If need be we are willing to protest by not driving for day.  This should bring the American economy to its knees and prove just how much we love this country.

Thank you,

Unrestrained Drivers  (we have rights too)