Thursday, February 26, 2009

Booking Through Friday (but magically backdated to Thursday)

Books as collectables
Hardcover? Or paperback?
Illustrations? Or just text?
First editions? Or you don’t care?
Signed by the author? Or not?
I have hardcovers and I have paperbacks.  I have illustrated books, I have plain text books.  I may have some first editions, I may have some advanced reader copies.  I have signed and unsigned books (mostly unsigned).  Heck, I even have some books in electronic form. 
At one point I wanted to own every book I have ever read in Hardback form.  Wow, how silly of me.  Now, I loath buying hardcovers and am as likely to give away a paperback as let someone borrow it.  The exception being Trade sized paperbacks, they are just too expensive.  I think it is important to have a nice home library, but you have to draw the line somewhere.  There is a difference between home library and home is a library.

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1 comment:

Steve Betz said...

As the combination of our collections have put our bookshelves to the max'd out point, I've had to review my desire to have a library that included every book I've ever read. Now it's almost a trade of new one in, old one out...