Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Do you remember the 80's film Rad. It is one of the treasures of my childhood.  It still isn't available on DVD but is kind of in the Cloud.  I watched this movie on Sunday morning with my girls.  It was a horrible vhs transfer on youtube.  My youngest absolutely loved it.  Just like it did with me, thinking about the movie got her really amped up and while we were out shopping she was ready to come home and take off the training wheels. 

We got home, I took of the training wheels and started pushing her to the park so she could practice in the grass and on the basketball courts.  We got to the park and I gave her a push on the grass and off she went until the grass slowed her down and she stopped.  I did it once more and she insisted that we move to the asphalt.  Once there, she was off to the races.  She worked on stopping and putting her feet down only after she stopped.  Yesterday, my wife and her sister went with her and worked on starting on her own. 

The reward was seeing the excitement in her eyes when she did it.  She was clapping for herself when she stopped and had the biggest, purest grin ever.  Oddly she is one of the only kids in her first grade class that can ride without training wheels.  What the heck are parents doing? 

In conclusion, teaching kids how to ride a bike is easy.  Just let the child watch Rad and if you want to make 100% sure, buy them a Rad Racing t-shirt (proceeds go towards sponsoring Cru Jones at Hell Track). 

The oldest wants pegs on her bike, when I told her bolts were not long enough she decided she needs a new bike. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

For some reason, I don't remember Rad.

Summer Ross said...

I don't remember this movie either- but as a mother of two I can relate- my youngest is a first grader who rides without training wheels for two whole summers now! I often wonder what parents are doing.

Golden Eagle said...

I've never learned to ride a bike--I guess I should watch this movie if I ever get around to learning!

Budd said...

golden eagle-This movie will simultaneously motivate you to learn and, by osmosis or some other form of magic, teach you how.

M Pax said...

I'm older than you. [I graduated hs in the 80's] You were considered behind the times when I was a kid if you left first grade without knowing how to ride a bike w/o training wheels. Congrats to your daughter on her big accomplishment.

Triper said...

I love this movie!

Pat Tillett said...

Hey there! Did you close down Scifimedia? I hope you have a good weekend Budd.