Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The $500 drying rack

I hate to do dishes.  People throw hate around a lot.  Let me rephrase.  I detest doing dishes.  From the fibers of my soul, every part of me cries in despair when husbandly duty calls upon me to make a sacrifice.  This is why I think dishwashers are the greatest inventions ever made.  And I, like other men, think that you can just put anything in there without so much as a rinse. 

My wife allies with my arch enemy as she doesn't allow me to use the dishwasher.  We don't even buy detergent for it.  My ever frugal wife feels that the dishwasher wastes water and electricity.  Never mind that is saves my sanity and prevents my soul from dying. 

I should correct myself.  We do use the dishwasher, but not to wash dishes with.  We use it to dry the dishes after we wash them.  The dishes are put there to drip dry.  Yes, to drip dry.  Good thing we paid the money for the dishwasher.


Jody said...

Okay- well. I wash our clothes in cold water to conserve energy and to prolong our clothing-life. But there is nothing worse in chores than washing dishes by hand. In fact, I don't like dirty dishes at all, so I make my husband load the dish washer for me! If I was you I would run it while she's out of the house somewhere!

Carrie Nichols said...

I love my dishwasher. I make pot, pan and dish purchases based on whether it can go into the dishwasher. If the dishwasher broke and my husband didn't get it replaced immediately, I would probably stop cooking until he did.

Anonymous said...

Budd you are awesome....I just got mad at a crapspot poster and went off about the soldiers, but whatever.

I guess you know from my log how I feel about the dishes...

I think I will post something for the soldiers tomorrow with a certain book review ;-)

mllnclly79 said...

our dishwasher died & we had to wait 3 days before the new one could be installed. my mom went on strike. we ate take-out off of paper plates every night. i love the dishwasher. i was super excited when i found the sippy-cups that were dishwasher safe.

i agree with Jody. run that bad boy when your wife's out of the house.