Friday, November 07, 2008

This is scary!

I have been able to brush aside many of the things people say about the man.  I realize that a president's power is a lot more limited that what most people realize, but this scares me.  It scares me a lot.  

So we need a military force of civilians that are not bound to uphold the principles of the United States Constitution.  One just as powerful as the military.  I have to ask why, but I am not sure that the answer will make me feel any better.  

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Eli's Dad said...

Errrrrr.....Yeah, I was always an Obama supporter. Yeah, that's right. All for change. Yep, that's me.

3devious said...

The man is not my president but he will be the president. Anyway, I think he means that we all have to do it, instead of hiding behind our military...

Phil Davis said...

I am so tired of hearing this taken out of context on the radio. He is talking about the need for better negotiations between the US and other countries. The civilian force being mentioned would be our US representation teams to other countries.And as much as I disliked Bush's policies, he was still *my* president since I am still a U.S. citizen. I am not about to give up my citizenship just because the person I cast my vote for doesn't get elected to office.

Budd said...

Phil, you know I never imagined the person I was voting for was going to get elected. I understand the diplomatic interpretation, but the point is that no one knows what he means because no one has asked him to explain it. I also think that a army of lawyers descending on a country for negotiations is likely to increase hostilities. I mean, who wants a bunch of lawyers.

3devious said...

My president speaks for me this guy doesn't Phil. Your aggressively defense response suggests you are only here because Canada wouldn't take you when Kerry lost. Just because I feel that Obama does not represent me, does not mean that I don't respect him as our commander in chief. I can't say that those that were so disgruntled over 2004's results were able to do the same.

Phil Davis said...

Senior adviser and strategic planner Thomas Barnett has been talking about this for years and is probably where the idea came from. Here is a good entertaining 25 minute talk on the whole idea...

Senya said...

thats not scary))