Thursday, March 29, 2012


I notice this when I walk by the Holocaust Memorial in Boston a lot.  It is true for any type of memorial.  It is okay to take pictures, but don’t take the happy fun pictures there.  Memorials are made in the memory of a person or a group of people that died, usually for some cause or in some tragedy. There may be people at the memorial with a love one being memorialized.  Getting a picture of yourself in front of said memorial smiling and making the “V for Victory” sign, might not be the best idea.  Do you see how it might offend someone.  I understand it is a free country and all that.  You are free to take whatever picture non lewd picture you want, but someone else is free to put a boot upside your head,  the cops are then free to haul that person off to jail, then that persons family is free to live a life of poverty.  Don’t cause a family to live a life of poverty, think before you snap. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That does seem tacky.

Golden Eagle said...

It does seem disrespectful to those who are at the memorial for a serious reason.

The Angry Lurker said...

Never thought of it before but you're damn right!

Jennifer Hillier said...

You make an excellent point! Never okay to be disrespectful.

And on a slightly different note, I need to visit Boston again. So much I missed last time!

Budd said...

to be fair. I only noticed it because I was telling my kids that they shouldn't run around and act crazy. Then I can't not notice it every time I walk by (I work right up the street).

Jennifer- Just let me know and we will do lunch or something.